Update on Segment One – Post Hurricane Maria

Blog, Trail Updates, WNT News | April 4, 2018 | Comments 2

The Waitukubuli National Trail Management Unit extends warmest gratitude to Mr. Ibrahim Brohim (Sign Man) and Mr. Simon Walsh, the organizers of the trail-clearing crew who completed the clearing of Segment One on Saturday, March 17, 2018! Thank you to the entire crew for your vibrant energy & community spirit applied in successfully clearing the entire segment!! 🙂 Using chainsaws, cutlasses and other hand tools, the team set out to clear tough areas covered with fallen trees and forest, including the danger of rock slides in November 2017. On November 25th, the group completed the section from Gallion Road to Bois Cotlette Road. On March 9-10th, they were able to complete the section from Scott’s Head reaching the point where Tropical Storm Erika had caused previous damage to the trail. On the final day, March 17th, the group completed trail clearance from the diverted section up the mountain, where ropes had been placed, all the way up to the French Quarters. Additional days were in between for assessing trail works prior to continuation.


The group consisted of members of the Dwivayez Hiking Club, community members and the organizers. According to Mr. Brohim, “what we did is because we love and care for the trails hoping that as a hiking club who has benefited tremendously from the trails, we can give back to getting the trails to what they were pre-Maria. Besides myself, Simon Walsh played a big part as we both went together on trips to assess the trail to see how much damage was done and what we would need to prepare ourselves for the clearing.” While Segment One may be accessible, it is still not officially opened by the Trail Management Unit as there are extremely difficult sections due to the danger of rock slides. It is intended that additional ropes be placed in unstable areas to assist hikers in their safety. The general public will be officially informed on this and any future segment openings. We appreciate your patience as we continue working on opening the trails.



Thoughts on “Update on Segment One – Post Hurricane Maria”

  1. Darrin Des Vignes says:

    Any further updates on other sections of the trail so far? Thanks

    1. admin says:

      Good Day Darrin

      Thank you for contacting us. We have successfully cleared three segments of debris and are in the process of clearing nine other segments (Details will be given in an upcoming blog post). Please note that though the segments are cleared, no hiker are permitted to access any segment of the Waitukubuli National Trail at this time.


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